Hesitant desire shall flourish in a soil not too strong
The Ballad of Peckham Rye
Click link to listen to a sample of the audio walks

To coincide with Art Licks Weekend, The Ballad of Peckham Rye is pleased to present Hesitant desire shall flourish in a soil not too strong, an audio work that will feature as part of Ilona Sagar's exhibition at DKUK Salon.
This new body of work looks at the history and social significance of the Peckham Experiment, a holistic model of healthcare, which aimed to cultivate community wellbeing from 1926-50. It uses the radical Peckham Pioneer Centre, as a lens through which to examine ideas of health, welfare and wellness, exploring interactions between collective understandings of common good and individual wellbeing.
Hesitant desire shall flourish in a soil not too strong is a series of audio walks that include invited speakers address the changing intellectual and political landscape of public health. The series of audio walks are free to download from The Ballad of Peckham Rye's website and also featured at DKUK Salon. This is the first in a series of research events produced in partnership between the artist and The Ballad of Peckham Rye, which will culminate in a moving-image installation ‘Correspondence O’ at the South London Gallery in 2017 funded by the Wellcome Trust.
The Ballad of Peckham Rye and Ilona Sagar have been shortlisted for this year's Artquest Workweek Prize.
Mix: Doug Haywood
Male voice: Donal Cox
Female voice: Penelope McGhie
Original text by Innes Hope Pearse, founder of the Peckham Experiment, Dr Felicity Thomas, Exeter University, Lisa Curtice and Jack Czauderna, The Pioneer Health Foundation, Eileen Conn, Peckham Vision, Ross Exo Adam,
Reviews Editor for the Journal of Architecture (RIBA)