Tate Circuit Programme 2014
Circuit is a four-year national programme connecting 15-25 year olds to the arts in galleries and museums. I have been working at Firstsite Gallery, Colchester with the young peoples group YAK. The project took place as the new regulations were enforced, giving PCSO’s and Zone Wardens more powers to move young people from the grounds surrounding firstsite. The group became increasingly interested in the Anti-Social Behaviour Act and the private and public security services which patrol areas of Colchester town centre. YAK actively explored the politics surrounding the ways in which these spaces they use are monitored, owned and controlled.
The films examine the different scales in which we occupy space within our personal and collective landscape and asks the question: Which parts of our identity are our own and what parts are dictated to us?
Click the link for the official Circuit website
Dealing directly with issues young people face by using the arts to explore, develop and share their stories can be incredibly empowering - for everyone involved. This project shows how real subjects can be tackled to benefit personal, professional and political agendas, without compromising creative integrity.
Marina - Tate Circuit